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MechWarrior III

MechWarrior III
This is some MechWarrior III things, and all i got right now is 3 pic's but i hope to soon have more to show!!!

This is my fav. when it comes to the mechs in the game !!!

This is the MadCat it is an all around good mech it has the best things if you ask me...

This is the view i like to use cuz you can see more there is also 2 more views 3rd person low and 3rd person high...
This is some thing i foumd on the net!!!
With this pic i just thought it looked kool so i tought i would show it here...
I got this one with a mech i downloaded!!!
I downloaded a madcat and it came with this pic, so i tought it would be good to put it on here...
SaberWolf MKII
As you can see the SaberWolf now has a head it's mainly for the blades but also works with missles it's a new tracking system, and 4 new miniguns 2 arms and 2 torso, and now a new torso...
This is the ShadowBlade, how do you like the new color sceem so the others will have the same type of sceem, and as you may or maynot know this one is made from the shadowcat...
This is Hunter has the same type of sceem as the ShadowBlade, and this one is made from the bushwacker...
This is the SaberCyote, it is made from the catapult from MW4 but i thought it was kool lookin so i got it and done my own mods, and from the looks of it, to me it looked like the little brother of the madcat so i made it the little brother of the SaberWolf and named it the SaberCyote...
This is the newest mech i got it is made from the novacat from MW4, and as you can see not only has the name changed but so has the mech...
To Close!!!
This is what happens when you get to close to the SaberWolf MKII...
Just Try It!!!
Like i said just try it...